15 years after Earth, humanity's last hope...is Titan A.E.
Don Bluth was Disney royalty before moving on to form his own independent animation company. Brad is joined by special co-host Dayton Johnson to discuss Bluth's ambitious sci-fi fantasy Titan...
15 years after Earth, humanity's last hope...is Titan A.E.
Don Bluth was Disney royalty before moving on to form his own independent animation company. Brad is joined by special co-host Dayton Johnson to discuss Bluth's ambitious sci-fi fantasy Titan A.E., as well as his impressive body of animated work!
Host of the Docking Bay 77 Podcast
Dayton Johnson (no relation) is the host of the Docking Bay 77 Podcast; a hot show focused on movies, music, books, and more. Dayton has been featured on several of our limited series, including "1986," "A Film at 45," and "Back to the Box Office," and has the esteemed (or is it dubious?) honor of being A Film By... Podcast's first guest co-host! Dayton is an avid believer that physical media is better than streaming, and often times reminds those disagreeing with his views on movies and music that "It's okay. You can be wrong all day!"